21st Century Learning

We recognise that tomorrow’s jobs don’t necessarily exist yet and the way to prepare our children for the world ahead is changing. 

With a multi-dimensional approach to the learning experience our combined knowledge and skills-based curriculum pivots away from content acquisition and rote memory to more hands-on and creative ways of learning.

This may include, for example – in a Science class, pupils are stranded on a desert island investigating the science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) involved in survival from making rope to building a shelter.  Engaging projects that will promote critical thinking, collaborative problem solving, creativity, and communications skills. In their History class, pupils design and create medieval shields, weapons and helmets to re-enact battles.  This hands-on learning brings tasks into the here and now.    

With such a variety of nationalities at the school, cultural diversity is not only appreciated, it provides the opportunity for a fully immersive cultural experience in the classroom. 

Bringing education to life, school-based iPads are available to our pupils from Reception classes to Year 5.  All our pupils in Years 6, 7 and 8 have their own iPads and the school installs subject-specific apps. The original integration of iPads in teaching and learning at The Banda School received wide recognition with The SATIPS (Society for Support And Training In Prep. Schools) Magazine, publishing the Case Study about The Banda’s e-learning programme in their May 2015 issue.

The School’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) allows our pupils to access learning resources both at home and at school. It contains material prepared by our teachers, from Pegasus Early Years through to the Upper School.  The VLE is accessible by both pupils and parents. Click here to access the VLE.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein